Reason RE Enlightenspeed NoteFilter
Note Filter is a very simple yet very powerful line processor for incoming MIDI notes and velocities. It does exactly what it says on the tin really, it filters notes!
The notes and velocities can be filtered as one or separately as required.
This player is a perfect addition to any big name Player devices such as Propellerhead's Drum Sequencer; but CV inputs allow this powerful process to be added to the Matrix, the RPG-8 and of course, the main sequencer. You can create precise and polite fills, create simpler less busy variations, or perhaps just knock out a couple of notes in a range (or an inverted range). As with any Player device, when using the Direct Record feature of the Players stack, you can also record notes back to the sequencer.
NEW IN 1.1We have now added a user requested feature for Pass/Reject modes. Pass is the legacy mode. Reject mode adds the ability to set the note range and have the notes inside the range (or outside when inverted), so that they are the events governed by probability. This also works on velocities. If the probability mode is not active then it will still function as the legacy mode as those pass functions were already available via invert. Enjoy!
Features:- Removes notes and velocities
- Controlled by probability dial
- Perfect for live fills and arrangement experiments
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