Futurephonic Rhythmizer

Windows / Mac
Futurephonic Rhythmizer

Welcome to Rhythmizer, your new MIDI friend ready to blast some magic into your synths and samplers.

Rhythmizer turns a single note into random MIDI output - under your control. Random velocity, note length and groove get your instrument jamming instantly.

Reaching for a melody? Choose from an extensive list of scales - you can't hit a wrong note. The Chroma scale works perfectly with samplers - the device will choose sampler cells at random.

▸ Draw one note. Start an adventure.
Rhythmizer turns a single note into random MIDI output - under your control. Random velocity, note length and groove get your instrument jamming instantly.

Reaching for a melody? Choose from an extensive list of scales - you can't hit a wrong note. The Chroma scale works perfectly with samplers - the device will choose sampler cells at random.

‎▸MIDI looping is here.
Slam that Loop button at any time to hear it again and again, at whatever subdivision you require. We like dotted eight loops, or 1/16ths for a glitchy feel.

▸Ready to rock.
Mac and PC users, everyone's looked after - Rhythmizer comes in VST3 and AU.

The device is compatible with all major DAWs* and can send MIDI to anything that receives it: your synths, samplers... even hardware!

Don't miss a thing. Record Rhythmizer's output to MIDI and keep editing.

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