Select is the most straight-forward CV switch you could possibly imagine. Connect up to 8 CV sources to its inputs, and use the buttons on the front panel to choose which one goes to the output. With the help of Select you can add pattern capabilities to any CV device.
Features:- Easily switch between up to 8 CV sources
- Can switch channels in time with the music
- Control it via automation, MIDI keys or CV
Product Description:8-to-1 CV switch with 2 inputs per channel
The selection buttons can be automated and Remote controlled
You can also switch channels using MIDI keys C3 - C4
Each channel can be labeled freely
Snap function makes sure that the channels are switched in time with the music
Possible Snap values are 4/4, 1/4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, 1/32 and Off
One instance of Select can control several others using CV
The selection CV input overrides the selection buttons
The Channel LEDs are visible on the folded front panel for better overview
Can be used to switch between any devices that output CV, not just pattern devices
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