Get incredibly sounding rock tones from three exceptionally modeled amps in a new generation of our AmpLion software.
A complete revamp of our long-standing AmpLion Pro guitar software. Now with much more detailed models, new features, and totally re-designed GUI. A gear collection based exclusively on absolute rock staples!
ON THE SHOULDERS OF A LIONWe have come a long way since designing the very first AmpLion plug-in in 2011. For the new version, we have opted for a completely new product philosophy. The one of efficiency, larger-than-life guitar sounds, and guitarist-friendly workflow. AmpLion 2 Rock Essentials gets you three legendary amp models, four cabinets, fifteen stompboxes, ten microphones, all recreated as detailed plug-in models using state-of-the-art component modeling.
THE NEW ENGINE BEHIND THE INCREDIBLE SOUNDWe combined our proprietary research with the latest trends in the scientific community, took the best of both to design our new real-time nonlinear dynamic circuit equations solver, and use it as the basis for all circuitry inside the AmpLion 2.
The power amplifier section uses the loudspeaker impedance model as a load to replicate the interaction between the power amp tubes, output transformer, loudspeaker, and power amp feedback.
The modulation and analog delay effects use the bucket-brigade delay model with an exact number of buckets and virtual clock rate instead of a simple delay, adding a small amount of aliasing to the output sound - this can be heard as a typical ringing sound.
The models, including the cabinets, are latency-free, and you get an immediate response while playing. To achieve the same phasing between Cab A and B as you would experience in a real-life recording situation, we added a small additional delay equal to the time the sound, traveling from the loudspeaker, needs to reach the microphone membrane. There are no internal IRs in the cabinet section; these are all real-time cabinet models!
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