Wolfgang Palm PPG WaveMapper 2

Wolfgang Palm PPG WaveMapper 2

The PPG WaveMapper first appeared as an iOS App and received widespread acclaim from public and press alike.

The PPG WaveMapper 2 plugin comes with a very flexible synth engine, capable of playing material from classic wavetables as well as samples and a new type which we call "Time corrected sample" (TCS). This type still has the advantage of wavetables, which is totally random access of the material, but preserving the authentic sound of the original sample.

WaveMapper 2 has three oscillators which are totally independant in the sound resources they play and in the access of the material. Each oscillator has its own WaveMap with up to 16 zones, filled with any combination of the resources. The control of the zones can be done by the keyboard, which we call Multitabling, or by a path which tells the engine how to playback the material.

The synthesizer is controlled by over 200 parameters, which you can directly program on the two editor pages. In addition to that there is the SoundMap which acts as a module manipulation tool. You change the sound by moving the 8 icons to different fields on the Map. These fields are loaded with programs which then define the results of the morphing. Thus the user can setup his own "themes" of sounds he wants to generate with a setup. The morphing can be done rapidly or in a very soft changing morph from one sound into another.

WaveMapper 2 comes already with more than 300 resources and a huge number of presets made by our sounddesigner team. The browser page allows you to list and sort your sounds. Besides that you can exchange single presets with another bank of sounds.

A comfortable browser lets you sort the sound programs; you can categorize and rate them. Also complete custom sound banks may be created. All significant parameters are controllable via Automation and external MIDI. There is a built in context specific help for all pages and modules. PPG WaveGenerator comes with more than 300 sounds of all categories, created by our sound designer team.

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