Plughugger DBX-d

Plughugger DBX-d

DBX-d is a soundset aimed entirely on synthetic bass sounds and has been intentionally designed with layering in mind.

The sounds are clearly sorted into descriptive categories so it’s easy to find the tonal range you are looking for. The sounds work well on their own, but if you want to create really BIG BASS sounds - layering two or three sounds on top of each will make your speakers shake of happiness.
although the sounds are aimed for
bass - the mid- and top-range
sounds works equally well
for melodies and stabs
The soundset contains:

Sub bass: 26
Low bass: 45
Mid bass: 42
Top bass: 37

Name: DBX-D.
Requirements: Diva.
Number of sounds: 150.
Format: Diva.
Style: Bass sounds.

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