Overloud Choptones Soldier Deca Rig Library

Overloud Choptones Soldier Deca Rig Library

Soldier Deca is the TH-U expansion library, created by Choptones, seeking to recreate the sound of a Soldano Decatone.

Some years ago, Choptones engineers traded one of their modelers for a used Soldano Decatone* head. What a great deal! Maybe not well-known as the SLO-100, but a really great sounding, 3 channels 100 Watt amp for all guitar genres Lot of captures will let you experience this great Soldano.

The Soldier Deca library contains 196 rigs, captured using the following gear*:


Soldano 4x12 loaded with Eminence Legend V12
EVH 5150III 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
Engl 4x12 loaded with Celestion V60
Mesa Boogie 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30, G12EVH, V-Type, G12V Marshall Vintage, Lynchback
Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M, G12T75
Mills Afterburner 4x12 loaded iwth Celestion V30
Hughes&Kettner 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M
Marshall 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30
Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30

Heil PR30
Royer R121, R122
Shure SM57, SM7, Modified SM57
Sennheiser MD421, MD409, MD21
Coles 4038
Neumann U87, KM84
Beyerdynamic M160, M88
AKG C414
Audix i5
Boosted with:

Mesa Flux Drive
Mesa Grid Slammer
MXR Wylde OD
MXR Berzerker OD
MXR Modified OD
Protone Attack OD (Misha Mansoor Signature)
Fulltone OCD

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