Loot Audio Hzandbits Berlin Ambiances I
Berlin Ambiances I is 114 minutes/3,69 GB of pure Berlin in 31 separate files - recorded mostly in 24bit/96kHz quasi-binaural stereo, with Primo EM172 omni capsules.
This collection contains stealth recordings of various Berlin locations, including a good deal of train sounds and, well, Berliners!
I went to locations such as the Bodemuseum (crazy natural reverbs), the Hauptbahnhof (enormous, diffuse train station-ambiance) and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (great restaurant vibe and busy foyer). All this captured during January 2015, with a head-worn set of near- or quasi-binaural microphones.
Why quasi? Because the microphone elements are not entirely behind the Pinna (that thing protruding in front of the ear-canal), which means the true, 3-dimensional binaural experience isn't there. In this setting, my head shadow acted more like a Schneider disc or such, which means these recordings should translate better to speakers than, say, a Neumann dummy head. Btw: the non-binaural recordings were done in October 2013, using just my Sony PCM M10 recorder.
All in all, a collection of useful ambiances for your next Berlin-esque project.
You get:People, places and trains!
Interiors and exteriors
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