Gio Israel Middle East Essentials - Asymmetric Rhythms Vol. 1
Throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean, rhythms have been used for many purposes across generations. What would be referred to by the Western musical establishments as odd or asymmetrical rhythms, are actually very common for the native Middle Eastern musician.
Those rhythms are vastly used in common music and not considered to be a complex idea. On the contrary, they are considered to essential part of Falk music.
A cool experiment is to place odd rhythmic loops into a "four on the floor" beat to create an ongoing, ever-evolving feel to your grooves.
In Middle Eastern music each groove has its own name, from "malfuf" (4/4 rhythm), "maksum" (8/8), "samai" (10/8), "Jorjuna" (10/8), "da'asa" (7/8), etc...
We've created a collection of traditional rhythms that define this unique geographical region. This is a "ready-to-go" collection of rhythms every producer can enjoy.
Meron Gelbard
133 Samples
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