HGSounds Dissonance IR v2

HGSounds Dissonance IR v2

Dissonance IR provides 110 Landscapes for Izotope Iris using the Dissonance Sample Collection as building blocks. Instruments are constructed using 1-3 Samples and take full advantage of the Spectral Features of IRIS and most have Aftertouch assigned to the Filter Cutoff. The intention was to represent Alien worlds and darkest corners of the universe with some occasional beauty. All 200 WAVs that form the Dissonance Sample collection are also available to explore when creating your own planets.

Instruments : 110
Samples : 200

[audiodemo]https://hgsounds.com/mp3/Dissonance-IR/Dissonance-Demo.mp3" src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17757917/3523697345-audio-player.swf" width="400" height="27" quality="best">

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