Cinetools Label Sampler

Cinetools Label Sampler

We are proud to present our first "Cinetools Label Sampler" featuring 379MB of cutting edge cinematic sounds taken from our best-selling SFX libraries.

This Label Sampler comes with an inspiring collection of cinematic SFX hand picked here from 6 different Cinetools libraries released to date and offer you an insight into our Pro-Cinematic libraries.. All of these sounds are well-suited for any kind of cinematic projects from fantasy to adventure, action to sci-fi, horror to thriller, war to mystery; whatever you are doing!

The sampler contains a collection of Cinematic SFX from the following packs:


For more information on the sounds of each release check out the individual product pages for more details, demo loops and reviews.

Please note: The sampler demo contains sounds from the full products and not all sounds will be contained within the sampler.

24 Bit Quality
75 Cinematic Samples

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