Sound Ideas Zombies Sound Effects

Sound Ideas Zombies Sound Effects

February 21, 2019
Sound Ideas
Bandes originales 2019 Hot Ideas
Zombie Hordes, Moans and Groans

Zombie Sound Effects is a collection of designed sound effects created by Sound Ideas' audio engineers using material from various Sound Ideas collections.

This compact compilation features 54 designed effects featuring zombie hoards as well as individual zombies and the tormented sounds they make.

The Zombie Hoard Sounds include:
The Awakening, Feasting on Human Brains, Stripping Human Flesh, Zombie Hunters in search of the Undead, the Hoard Approaching, Packs of Zombies from Large to Small that Growl, Moan, Mumble and Shuffle.

The Individual Zombie Sounds include:
Moaning, Grumbling, Snarling, Roaring, Hissing, Growling and Grunting. There are Raspy Growls, Hungry Groans, Screeching Moans and Furious Snarls.

54 Zombie Sounds
Available as a Download
16/44.1 bwav Files

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