Samplephonics 30 Abstract Textures
EVOLVING MUSICAL PROGRESSIONSAbstract Textures is a emotive soundscape sample library that contains 30 of the most detailed, textured and evolving musical progressions. Designed by in house favourite Gimu this stunning collection of ambience's provide the perfect sonic back drop for any sound designer, ambient producer or electronic pioneer needing a wash of dense texture.
CREATIVE SOUND MANIPULATIONCreated using granular processing, advanced time stretching algorithm and location recordings from around the streets of Brazil, the intense level of detail and movement available have left us all in amazement.
VERSATILE SAMPLESThis is the perfect sample pack for all producers irrelevant of style and genre. Whether left bare or side-chained to death, the tones in each abstract texture will compliment any musical composition. These diverse and unusual samples are also ideal for sound designers and film score producers who are looking for unique one-of-a-kind sounds.
VARIOUS FILE FORMATSThis beautifully original collection comes 100% royalty free & is available in Apple Loops, Wav as well as sampler instruments for Ableton Sampler, EXS24, Halion, Kontakt, MachFive, Reason NN-XT and SFZ.
•30 abstract soundscape samples
•Highly detailed textural sounds
•Experimental audio processing
•Flexible samples that will fit a variety of genres & styles
•Multiple file formats and sampler instruments
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