Vip Soundlab Grand Master Breaks Bundle
The VIP SOUNDLAB's Team of Producers is proud to present another Amazing Sound Package. The Grand Master Breaks Volumes 1 & 2 ! Volumes 1 & 2 both contain crispy vinyl from the crates in pristine clear studio audio. Our Crate Diggers have brought you some true drums from the crate with some rare and essential breaks. Awesome for DJ's or Producers who want rare banging drums samples that are pre-sliced and chopped as we have done all the work for you. This Sound Package is complete in Wav / Maschine & AKAI MPC Format.
A BIG Time saver for producers who are looking for rare and essentail drums. Maschine lovers enjoy pre-tagged and filtered group kits for lighting quick kit loads. AKAI MPC users enjoy project kits spread through groups A-H for super loading of Pre-Sliced and chopped drum samples. DAW / Software / Hardware users we got you covered as well with neat and labeled folders with pre sliced and chopped sample Kits. Need both Volumes ? We have a Bundle PAckage to get both volumes at the same time in one simple download. MPC XPN. loading Instruction included. Get your Rare Vintage Drums today and you will glad that you did.
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