Now in public beta is CV Tools, a new Pack of 10 Max for Live devices that generate or receive Pitch, Control, Clock and Trigger CV.
Soon you’ll be able to receive and modulate CV between your modular or other CV-based gear and Ableton Live 10 using a compatible, DC-coupled audio interface. You’ll also be able to use Live as the tempo leader or set it to follow your modular system clock.
Plus, even if you don’t own a modular setup, the Rotating Rhythm Generator and CV Utility devices can add modular-style workflow inside Live or to hardware setups that don’t use CV-based equipment.
CV Tools is being developed by Ableton in collaboration with Skinnerbox.
AvailabilityCV Tools is currently available to try in beta.
You can download the beta Pack from Please note: you need to use the Ableton Live 10.1 beta to try CV Tools, and beta testing info is in English only.
After a beta testing period, the Pack will be free for Live 10 Suite owners, or those who own Live 10 Standard plus Max for Live.
CV Tools IncludesCV InstrumentControl your modular with MIDI. Features flexible modulation and voicing options, as well as cent-accurate tuning of your oscillators.
CV triggers
Sequence your modular drum modules from inside Live.
UtilityCV UtilityControl your modular with automation curves from Live. Add, multiply and shift control signals together and process control voltages like audio.
SynchronizationCV Clock InControl Live's tempo from your Eurorack system.
CV Clock OutSend CV clock out to your modular and sync it to Live.
ModulationCV InUse your modular to modulate parameters in Live.
CV ShaperCreate flexible CV shapes in Live then send them to your modular rig.
CV Envelope FollowerControl your modular with audio signals from inside Live.
CV LFOInstantly add more LFOs to your modular system.
MIDI EffectRotating Rhythm GeneratorCreate organic rhythms and experiment with modular-style beat and polyrhythm generation. This device also sends MIDI so you can use it with Drum Racks or other external equipment with a MIDI input.
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