Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault DX5 Factory Set A
48 classic DX5 internal memory presetsAll 48 factory patches from the DX5’s internal memory (less the piano patches… get them in DX Keys Deluxe) – plus the necessary Program combinations free of charge! Four velocity layers, AET Morph, tons of multisamples: 1.6Gb of FM goodness Custom-created twin patches designed from the ground up to work in layered, detuned pairs for a rich, warm sound Signature DX5 convertors bring surprisingly ‘analogue’ weight to digital technology
The marvel of PatchVault brings you more classic synth patches for 20c a pop!
dx5-kontakt-instrument-2-of-3This time it’s the turn of the mighty Yamaha DX5, a true behemoth of a machine with custom-programmed patches designed from the ground up by Yamaha’s synth techs to work in layered pairs. We’ve already covered the piano and EP sounds in DX Keys Deluxe – but what about the warm and punchy horns, the shimmering strings, the percussive vibes and throbbing organs (ahem)? Well, they’re all here, in a collection that brings together not just the 48 factory patches but also the Performances in which they really shine. We’ve recreated these using Kontakt Multis, each with the proper pair of Patches and the correct detune settings, so you can get both the individual sounds and the much thicker, more textured effects that the DX5 pioneered. (Oh, and we’re not charging for the Performances, either!)
This is an awesomely cost-effective way to get the sound of Yamaha’s top-flight synths in your DAW: these sounds also graced the legendary DX1, which on its launch cost a cool £10,000. So here’s your chance to get the same sounds, for just 0.00096% of the price ????
Almost all these sounds involve four velocity layers, AET Morph technology and a lot of multisampling, for a properly responsive and authentic recreation of the original sound. Fire them up and have fun!
(All our Kontakt instruments require a full copy of Native Instruments Kontakt v4.2.3 or higher (including all versions of Kontakt 5). Kontakt Player is not supported
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