A universal monitor controller and visualization plug-in for computer audiophiles. If music is your profession, your passion or both, MAATgo is for you. MAATgo is explicitly built for everyone who listens to HRA (High Resolution Audio) files and streams on their computer. In the Golden Age of consumer hi–fi, some preamplifiers had not only a “balance” knob, but stereo/mono blend controls and even an oscilloscope to instantaneously display amplitude, frequency and the phase relationship between left and right channels. Marantz, Panasonic, Pioneer and SAE sometimes included an oscilloscope in their receivers, while the Apt Corporation’s legendary and groundbreaking Holman Preamplifier had a range of channel re–routing switches and a continuous stereo/mono blend control. This was not “feature creep,” needless features just to fill out a list. The Apt’s re–patching and intermix controls served a very useful purpose.
14-03-2021, 01:52
Bass is usually considered to be the coolest of all instruments. Mainly by the bassists. Recorded with a good DI, a fine bass often sounds perfect as you get it and needs just a little push here and there. And that is why we came up with QuckBass. To give you the quick EQ, quick compression, quick saturation, and fatness in no time. QuickBass is the ultimate bass polisher and finalizer.
14-03-2021, 01:51
Simple modulation can be boring and tedious. But imagine you could fluently crossfade between four various modulation effects so that each bar would sound different. Or blend the four effects together to create something unique. That is the approach only Orbitron can offer.
14-03-2021, 01:51