SADiE 6.1 gives you the freedom to work on any Windows computer using SADiE's low latency, high reliablility SADiE Series 6 hardware solutions or any WDM or ASIO soundcard such as your computer's built in soundcard or the Prism Sound Lyra, Titan, Atlas or Dream ADA-8XR interfaces.
10-05-2019, 11:07
INSTRUMENTS:- Wurlitzer 200 - 1930 Samples - Yamaha CP70 - 2561 Samples - Yamaha CP80 - 2561 Samples
10-05-2019, 11:07
For over a hundred years, music has been recorded on mechanical mediums. And for over a hundred years, there has been a problem with this: wow and flutter. Who isn't familiar with the wobbling and warbling, the droning and dragging? Mechanical degradation caused by defective devices or sticking tapes, by ageing or defective storage. In the past, it was usually impossible to get rid of wow and flutter.
10-05-2019, 08:16
THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PACK OF PIONEERING USER INTERFACE SOUNDS Fully loaded with more than 3,800 user interface sounds (over 8 GB) in a single package, this library is the biggest UI library you can currently get and it brings you all you need to dive into the digital, virtual and interactive world. Whether you are looking for futuristic Sci-Fi sounds, high-tech sonifications, casual game UI elements or simple device / system user feedback, this versatile, ready-to-use collection has you covered for the next decades.
10-05-2019, 08:16
Two electric guitars – played and processed totally differently – immediately carry you to a modern world of sound. Opening the whole spectrum: From delicate designed to rich and cinematic patches, it serves the sonority and flexibility, which made the guitar one of the most formative instruments of our time.
10-05-2019, 08:16