Custom made drum kit created by Josh Petruccio of Internet Money. A follow up to the Godfather Vol. 1 Drum Kit
9-12-2018, 06:39
The Bosque Piano is a very old upright piano we discovered in a 100 year old college auditorium found in Bosque County Texas. Both the space itself and the piano had such amazing tones it was just begging to be sampled, so we did.
9-12-2018, 06:21
'Lost Locator - Sci Fi Communication Sound Effects' is an awesome new sound design library offering amazing sound effects for a total of 985 MB of radio communication SFX, twisted military radio sounds, walkie-talkie and white noises, analyzed and decoded transmission sounds and much more. This downloadable sample pack is pre-formatted for creative producers and is suitable for all major music hardware and software.
9-12-2018, 06:21