Mbira is a unique collection of thumb pianos made up of 5 presets all ready to drop into the Noiiz Player. An instrument of African origin, the Mbira consists of a wooden board with attached metal tines. Played with thumbs, this provides a bright and pure metallic tone.
1-12-2018, 12:32
Sonic Academy presents our latest preset pack for ANA 2. ANA 2 Presets Vol. 6 - Psy- Trance has been produced exclusively for us and delivers that massive Psy Trance sound. Here, over 100 unique and distinguished Psy-Trance sounds show off ANA 2's super accurately modeled saws and creamy filters.
1-12-2018, 07:23
Phoenix is a powerful tool for creating string and choir sustains with movement and character. The samples are from synthetic and granulised sources, yet they are rich and organic sounding. The presets vary from realistic strings and choirs to sci-fi beeps and pads. This versatility is due to some unique scripting, such as the LFO engine; which lets you draw your own waveforms and actually see the modulation happen on the controls.
1-12-2018, 06:46
AMAZING PIANO SOUND FROM SOUNDTRACKSWellcome to NoiseAsh Epic Piano Library! Now you have a Real Piano, just like in the movies... Epic Piano is one of the most versatile & amazing Piano Instrument in the world. Naturally full and rich sound, that’s the motto! It has thousands of premixed multi channel samples with analog gear that sounds incredibly great for any productions.
1-12-2018, 06:46
Pre X7 is an analog modelled preamplifier based on an iconic vintage tube unit primarily designed for bass guitar and that we modified to make it working with several audio sources.
1-12-2018, 06:46