'Global Pop 2' is the second instalment of this series by 2DEEP. Like its predecessor, this Kit gives you all the necessary tools to catapult your next hit straight to the top of the charts. This kit includes loops, vocals, MIDI files, one-shots and all the Spire, Sylenth1, Thorn and Serum presets used to create the instrumentals.
5-09-2018, 17:12
Zweifelsohne bilden Drums das Rückgrat nahezu jedes Tracks. Doch wo und wie findet man zu beliebten Stilen wie Tech House, Trap, Dubstep, Cinematic, EDM oder Pop passende Drum-Samples? Wie baut man daraus einen stiltypischen Groove und worauf kommt es bei Veredelung und Mixing an? Im großen Drum-Spezial führt Beat in wenigen Schritten vom rohen Sound zum groovenden Pattern. Jetzt zugreifen: http://bit.ly/BeatMagazin
5-09-2018, 10:32
George Ezra: Cam Blackwood produziert Staying At Tamara’s +++ Focusrite Clarett USB Audio-Interfaces mit USB-Anschluss +++ Mikrofonreperatur +++
5-09-2018, 10:22
Chomolungma - the ambiguous mountain that can be lethal or the source of the highest spiritual experiment, climb up its top but fall down any second, breathe the cleanest air in the world or experience the deadly anhelation at the peak.
5-09-2018, 10:07