Learn professional electronic music production techniques from an expert music producer: Get signed by record labels!Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or an expert producer, this course will teach you fresh and new techniques to take your EDM productions to the next level. After all, we're never truly finished learning - there's always something around the corner that we never saw coming!
What will you gain from completing the courseUnderstand how EDM is structured, and the musical principles its based upon (binary phrasing, energy, etc.)
Effectively structure and arrange a track for optimal flow
Set up your project for good workflow
Optimise your DAW's buffer length/size and set the correct sample rate for your project
Be aware of swing time and how it can benefit your productions
How to properly choose layers and build full and fat drum patterns, chord patterns, Leads, vocals, etc.
Be able to use automation and panning to create interest for the listener
Tune audio to the correct key of your track
Manipulate sounds by means of time stretching, formant shifting, vocoding, etc.
Tweak and design your own synthesiser sounds using ADSR, Filters, VCO, LFO, etc.
Create full and professional transitions that don't disrupt the flow
Be aware of driving elements and intensity line graphs
How to prepare your project for a full mixdown
Mix an EDM track using EQ, Compression, Saturation, etc.
Use plugins to achieve stereo width and depth
Sidechain elements to each other, including effects
Locate and correct phase issues in your track
Access to an exclusive Facebook group of fellow students. Receive feedback, engaging discussions, and more!
Master your track to the correct LUFS levels for streaming sites such as Spotify, YouTube, Deezer, etc.
Additional Content:How to correctly hunt for labels and send your demos
Various PDFs and links to additional reading/study
3 intensive projects so I can see how well you understand the material, and give you feedback to improve your productions
I share everything I know with you
Everything I teach you in this course has taken me years to learn. You're gaining 10+ years of music production knowledge in one complete course.
The music industry is an extremely closed and competitive one. I don't think that's fair. If more producers were aware of the production secrets behind professional tracks, we'd have a lot more talented musicians in the EDM community!
What you'll learnCompose and arrange a professional-sounding EDM track
Set up a project for optimal workflow and flawless composition
Create all elements of EDM including drum patterns, chord patterns, and bass-lines
Principal synthesis and synthesiser techniques (ADSR, LFO, Modulation, etc.)
Vocal Processing: Doubling, Vocoders, Formant Shifting
Arrangement Tips and Secrets to take EDM tracks to the next level
Advanced mixing and mastering techniques to get your track signed by labels (phase cancellation, EQ, Compression, etc.)
The Intensity Graph Concept for EDM production
The Hidden Truth with Compression for EDM
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